Esports Training Platform

Experience esports training as a professional by using our online training programs built by our professional coaches to efficiently make you better
Currently in beta, availabilities are limited.
Stuck in a rank or plateauing in your favorite esports title? Have you thought about the fact that you are not practicing efficiently?

Our training routines have been developed to provide you with focused and efficient practice sessions that help you improve and achieve the results you want.

Training Platform Membership

Our esports coaches spend countless hours researching and developing from traditional sports science to create structured and purposeful esports training routines which help you improve
Esports Training Platform Membership

Free for Beta

Online Training Programs

Community Coaching Session Access

Access to Valor Coaches for Q&A

All plans include:

Access to Career, Health and Leadership content

Access to colleges partner head coaches

Access to community tournaments

Access to our Discord Community

We Guarantee:

Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied within the first month

Apply now! Availabilities for beta are limited.

Our games

We go in depth in each game before we offer it to our students. We currently have developped coaching programs for the following games


Rocket League


League Of Legends

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