Collegiate Esports Athlete Pathway

A program specifically created for high school students to unlock the opportunity to be selected for a college esports scholarship
Availabilities are limited – 25 seats only.
Did you know that colleges offer scholarships of up to $25k for esports competitors to represent their college?

Be mentored, coached, and develop as a player to unlock those opportunities.

high school to college pathway program

All of our esports coaches are high-level competitors who implement a tried and true holistic coaching framework that has proven successful in esports and traditional sports.
Future Collegiate EAthlete Academy

$120 / Month

8 coaching sessions (twice a week)

2 fully organized competition


College application mentorship

Full Platform access


Try for FREE

Billed quarterly, cancel anytime

Duration recommended: 12 months

All plans include:

Access to Career, Health and Leadership content

Access to colleges partner head coaches

Access to our Discord Community

We Guarantee:

Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied within the first month

Our priority is the development and growth of our esports competitors and creating access to opportunities.
Apply now! Availabilities are limited to 25 seats for the first season.

Our games

We go in depth in each game before we offer it to our students. We currently have developped coaching programs for the following games


Rocket League


League Of Legends


Don't take our word for it. See what our customers have to say!
Gonçalo 'Skill4r'

"I improved a lot in defense, picking boost pads, mechanic adjustments and passing plays. It was an amazing experience, I recommend to every person that needs help on individual or team issues"

RL Player for Northern Slaughter

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